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In conclusion, the power of Forex lies in its accessibility, potential for profit, 
and the opportunity it offers to shape your financial future. While it's not without risk,
with the right education, mindset, and strategy, Forex can be a transformative force

Average daily volume in total over-the-counter (OTC) foreign exchange instruments 
(including spot, outright forward, foreign exchange swap, and option transactions) 
was $918.4 billion in April 2023

Turnover in global foreign exchange (FX) averaged more than $7.5 trillion per day 
in April 2022 amid a volatile market environment.
Compared with the previous BIS Triennial survey in 2019, trading volumes were higher 
because of greater activity in short-maturity FX derivatives and more inter-dealer trading

This data release can cause major swings in all dollar-related pairs.
All in all, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the best days for Forex trading 
due to higher volatility.During the middle of the week, the currency 
market sees the most trading action.

The market is open  24 hours 5 days a week
saturday & sunday is off the high opportunity and chance to achieve your target 
in the feild of forex trading

The key to turning $100 into $1000 in forex is to have a solid plan in place 
and to stick to it. This may involve setting clear goals, identifying the best 
currency pairs to trade, and using technical analysis to make informed trading decisions.

Forex trading vs. gambling: Forex trading may appear similar to gambling, but there are key differences. While gambling relies on chance and randomness, forex traders 
can use strategies and tools to tilt the odds in their favour. 
Importance of self-control: Successful forex trading requires discipline and self-control.

Forex trading for beginners is extremely hard, it requires hours of hard work. 
Traders need to stay updated on the news daily. Developing and testing new strategies
 also takes a lot of time. All in all, it's not something people can do in a week.

The FX (foreign exchange) market is the largest financial market in the world. 
Banks, commercial companies, hedge funds, central banks, and individual 
speculators participate in it and exchange currencies on a daily basis for both
speculative and hedging purposes.

FOREX.com is a wholly-owned subsidiary of StoneX, a NASDAQ-listed company
with assets of over $7.8 billion that provides institutional-grade financial 
services networks to connect people to the global markets.

StoneX is an institutional-grade financial services network that connects companies,
 organizations, traders and investors to the global markets ecosystem 
through a unique blend of digital platforms, end-to-end clearing and 
execution services, high-touch service and deep expertise.

Nasdaq was initially an acronym, NASDAQ, which stands for the National Association
of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations. It opened on Feb. 8, 1971, 
providing automated information about stock prices that investors could 
use to trade stocks on other exchanges.

(previously INTL FCStone) is an American financial services company. 
The company operates in six areas: commercial hedging, global payments,
 securities, physical commodities, foreign exchange and clearing and 
execution services (CES).