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Levels Wise

This course model is designed on (WHY) concept.most of the traders do that course when they have got a lot of knowledge or puzzle / or getting consistently loss side.that why we made the concept of (WHY) from which we listen and study her or his case individually.and made a case study. Giving her or him the advice and tips & tricks from which they follow.to get good numbers from the market and get better results in trading what they are doing before.

Level one.  

All the baseline and basic concept are covered in this level

Level two

In this level all the functionality and use of tools are covered.

Level three

In this level the advancement of using tools and functionality of trading platform are covered

Level four

At this level we focus on technical analysis. All the techniques are covered in this level.

Level five

At this level we focus on mental analysis. All the position decision making is covered in this level.

Level six

At this level we focus on fundamental analysis. All the position decision making is covered in this level.

Points which cover in this Course 


Timing of (S-W)

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