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Reliability of Candlestick Pattern

No 9 Part 3 Reliability of Candlestick Pattern

Reliability of Candlestick Pattern

The concept of Reliability of Candlestick Pattern is 

the marred & authentication by each candle &

their way of work to do.for trader is work like an oxygen.

Reliability of Candlestick Pattern are divided into 3 ways

Given below

High Reliability

Medium Reliability

Low Reliability


50% to 80%


Top Gayer

Third Gayer

Second Gayer

High Reliability 

Are those patterns which are more accurate and the trader interested in it very well.because the possibility to go in a positive direction is upto 80 %.

Medium Reliability 

Are those patterns which are accurate up to 50% to 80% and the trader also likes & interested in it..

Low Reliability 

Are those patterns which have a low accuracy level up to -50% and the trader has also low interest.These candlesticks patterns were seen many times in intraday charts.the success rate of these candlesticks are also low. But if the momentum is good in the market these candlesticks patterns perform & work very well.then you make a position on it to make a profit.