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 Introduction by LIFX USA


The donation of Trial Classes is for 3 days in the same format and timing like regular class.and it's totally free.the course of forex trading is designed on online format. That makes it easy and accessible to everyone whether he or she is a beginner or an old user.


Why online 

If we discuss the reasons why this course is in online format. The answer is in different points given below :-


At the end you make the practical in the field of forex online


No time limit no days limit in online design the format and design of course is comfortable for every user.


Our courses are divided into parts , which help the students to understand easily. In every stage and also give trial Classes which are free . Whatever program the student enrolls in further.


If we discuss part wise and classes wise our courses are divided into four types given below :-






For all students and beginners and new online users the (Series) classes are totally free for users. Why free because if you understand the way of teaching then you enroll in the next level of course whatever you want . That thing also makes your mind easy to decide whatever you choose or not.online courses.


Some good points of online courses

When you enroll in any of the courses and after completing it.in this time if you don't understand any chapter or topic or ever complete class. You will repeat it anytime. And if you don't understand the whole course, whatever you enroll you also have the option to repeat its lifetime offer with no extra charges.


This offer is only for losers traders only or the students who make the losses too much before. The offer is applied when you do and complete our course and after that you continue the trading or not . For any reason that's your choice.we return you the 100% fee of course if you want. By completing our simple criteria test.


criteria tests means 

The test and assignments during the course classes.In that taken the marks above then 50% overall of the course. then this offer applies . 


For all of them when you start taking classes of any of our partwise models.Then in every next part you take discounts by giving the past test and assignments of your course selected in further. The discount is in points forms . Which is cut by next enrollment of course selected in further. This thing applies to every course.



This course is paid

Called ((Sections))

Is same related to a series wise course but has a complete sequence and format which helps students step by step like 1 to 10.to get success .

Page Related 


2 Select timing for class taking

3 Offer

4 Enroll