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Teaching Style 

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Details of style of teaching

After filling the test of questions and answers of day one trial. 

We selected the points from the student's choice whatever he or she decided to do sequence wise. 

In this course (Section Wise) we have total 28 to 30 points

And each day we cover 1 point max. To understand students easily. 

also ask some points and give practicals and  examples to every student so then if he or she clears the point then go to the next one.



Total lectures,live session,and question and answers days 44.

Total assignments / test / home work days 16.

Total Practical & Exercise Targets 60 days.

(in saturday & sunday ) made a combined data agistment of past week the design of test is mostly in checklist /dropdown list or multiple option style format.

The practical task and exercise given to students every day.by given them homework and take report next day.during the lecture listen carefully.and write in your copy or notes what you have in your mind your questions is related to cover point ,topics and chapters.avoid to ask during given lectures.ask in live session you also ask the previous points that we cover before and current topics. No issues.

Be confident, be comfortable, be active by mind during class time.

Also give you the lifetime membership of (lifx usa) where you get updated by market and our community

on which you learn and earn by different ways.To enter in different groups of people and companies.

Whenever you enter a community there is also a difference of level of people in it's knowledge wise

and financial status wise.It depends on you how you market yourself and avail any point by your side.


Daily Basis Routine


Daily practical and exercise


Daily homework and report


Daily lecture and content


Daily Q/A & discussion related to lecture and practical .


Weekend test & assignment for the whole week.


Related pages 

(S-W) questions and answers

Guide and how Install 


(S-W) DAY 1 (T-C)